Speaker Presentations
The speaker presentation from Bayer’s Effective IUS Counselling can be viewed below:
IUS - Effective IUS Counselling webinar
Ms Carol Kelly
Registered Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Mercer’s Medical Centre, Dublin.
In her presentation Carol covers effective IUS counselling for a younger population including features of a young adult cohort; the basics of conception and contraception; the case for LARC based on research; an outline of contraception counselling; a detailed walk-through IUS counselling and signposts for further education.
Kyleena® Prescribing Information, Mirena® Prescribing Information, Jaydess®▼ Prescribing Information
This webinar can be viewed in the following 4 modules:
Module 1:
➢ An overview & key features of the young adult/student population.
➢ Basics of contraception and conception.
Duration - 8 minutes
Module 2:
➢ Why is contraception important?
➢ The most common types of contraception used.
➢ Establishing the case for Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) based on research.
Duration - 13 minutes
Module 3:
➢ LNG-IUS overview.
➢ Mode of action.
➢ Contraindications.
➢ IUS counselling- including pre-insertion counselling.
➢ Pros & Cons.
➢ Healthcare professional resources and Patient resources.
Duration - 17 minutes
Module 4:
➢ Questions and Answers session.
Duration - 4 minutes
This meeting is part of the Women’s Health Matters Educational Programme that are organised and fully funded by Bayer.
Reporting adverse events and quality complaints
If you want to report a side effect or quality complaint, please contact your health care professional (e.g. physician or pharmacist) or The Health Products Regulatory Authority, Reports can also be reported directly to Bayer through this link or by emailing directly on adr-reland@bayerhealthcare.com