GP Buddy supported by Bayer have produced a series of 3 video tutorials on women's health topics in association with two expert women's healthcare professionals. The tutorials cover the topics of intrauterine device insertion, intrauterine device choice and advice, and the menopause. The tutorials are divided up into segments which gives you the option of watching the entire tutorial or watching those segments that you are most interested in. Access the tutorials on or by clicking on the links below.
1. IUD Choice and advice with Dr. Deirdre Lundy
This video tutorials covers the following:
- IUD and pre-insertion counselling
- Choice of the most appropriate IUD for patients
- IUDs and expected bleeding patterns
- Pre-insertion consent, planning and advice
- Practical tips for IUD insertion
- IUD insertion techniques
- IUS insertion in nulliparous women
- Advice on changing IUDs
- Follow up post IUD insertion
2. IUD insertion with Dr. Deirdre Lundy
This video tutorials covers the following:
- Contraindications to use of IUDs
- IUDs and urinary tract infections
- Common side effects associated with IUDs
- Potential significant side effects including uterine perforation
- IUDs and pelvic inflammatory disease
- IUDs and ectopic pregnancy
3. Menopause with Dr. Rachel Mackey
This video tutorials covers the following:
- Diagnosis of menopause
- Commencing HRT - sequential vs continuous
- Choice of HRT and preparations
- Management of common side effects associated with HRT
- HRT and risk of venous thromboembolism
- HRT and risk of breast cancer
- Contraception in the perimenopause
- Non-HRT treatment options for perimenopausal symptoms (SSRI, CBT)
- Sexual dysfunction and loss of libido
Reporting adverse events and quality complaints
If you want to report a side effect or quality complaint, please contact your health care professional (e.g. physician or pharmacist) or The Health Products Regulatory Authority, Reports can also be reported directly to Bayer through this link or by emailing directly on